• Guhagar Bypass Road,Mirzoli,Uktad,Chiplun,Maharashtra 415605
  • +91 8446393866 / +91 9130025433 /+91 9130025414
  • [email protected]


Patient Admission/Hospital Stay/Discharge

Adhar card is mandatory during admission.

Before admission, The patient is counseled by the front office Executive regarding the treatment package which includes:

  • Estimated bill size .
  • Average length of stay..
  • various mode of patient Accepted .
  • Documents Required for admission under cashless facility.
  • The safety and well being of our patient is our utmost concern to us.we advise our patient to remain witin the premises until they are discharged by the concerned doctor
  • A Discharge summary certificate will be given to the patient before leaving ward.In case the patient needs a medical certificate he/she has to inform the doctor or nusrse in advance so that it can be prepared before the patient leaves.
  • The nurse will handover the signed discharge summary which includes doctors advice on their furthur follow up treatment Daily routine diet and medication prescription and other relevant documents at the time of discharge.the doctor sign the discharge sheet
  • The final bill is prepared at the billing office
  • The Patient/attendents are informed about the interim bills on daily basisi.The patient has to settle all his bills at the time of discharge.
  • When the patient arrives at the ward with the co ordinator,our staff will educate the patient will then be rearranged by the ward R.M.O. This involves a detailed medical history and ordering of tests if necessary.
  • The daily routine in the ward includes activities such as ward round by doctors,medication,meals,visiting hour & bed time,However this routine may vary as laboratory tests,x-ray,treatment other procedures will take place when required .
  • For all kind of Diagnostics & therapeutic procedure informed consunt is being taken as per hospital policy.
  • The patient medical records and information of their medical condition are confidential.This infromatio will onlybe shared with patient and the next-of-kin.If the immidiate family members wish to know more about the patient condition,they can approach the appropriate co-ordinator to arrange for convinient time to meet the concerned doctor